Tooth & Nail

Perishables - Book Cover

Withrow #5 Update & Preorder Links!

OK, so I promised an update on the fifth and final Withrow Chronicles novel, NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE, on Monday. But my day job has been kicking my tail up […]

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Perishables - Book Cover

Kindle Pre-Orders Are Live!

Falstaff Books have put the first four volumes of The Withrow Chronicles up on Amazon for digital pre-order. These are, Amazon-wise, completely different books from the versions I published myself, meaning

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On Being Remembered After Networking

In two weeks I’ll be attending ConCarolinas 2013 as a writer guest and panelist. It’s my first convention and I’ve been pondering how to make myself memorable to attendees and

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Just Like That

With the push of a button, Tooth & Nail is officially published. There’s a lot of “you should have a launch event” out there online but I don’t even get

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In the Merry, Merry Month of… April?

I’ve had my head buried in grad school this month but I also have some super-fun news: the editing and cover design for  are done and I’m waiting on Smashwords and Amazon

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A Cover Develops

Attached to this post is the current in-progress draft of the cover for Tooth & Nail, the second Withrow book. It isn’t finished, and the fonts haven’t been chosen, but

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Exclusivity vs. Openness

With the approaching completion of Tooth & Nail, I face a philosophical quandary: do I drink the Kindle Kool-Aid or do I stick to my idealistic principles? Oh, wait, one

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I bought a sticker machine this week. It’s small and it was very inexpensive and I can use it to make either stickers or magnets. Yessssss. One of the marketing

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Tumblr, Editing & Website Revamps.

Revamps. Get it? Ha! I kill me! I read a fantastic idea for free marketing: give one’s characters their own Tumblrs. Roderick – Withrow’s psychopath cousin – would absolutely have

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Complications, Editing & A Game

I’m currently waiting for my editor to get back to me with the first round of suggested revisions, questions, & et cetera, for Tooth & Nail. I find this to be

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